Source code for termlog.formatting

import textwrap
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import pygments
from pygments.formatters import get_formatter_by_name
from pygments.lexer import Lexer
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer

from .config import _terminal_config
from .message import Message

__all__ = ("beautify", "format")

[docs]def beautify(message: Any, indent: int = 0, lexer: Optional[Union[pygments.lexer.Lexer, str]] = None) -> str: """Beautify *message*. Args: message: message to beautify indent: number of spaces to indent lexer: message lexical analyzer Returns: str: beautified message """ formatter = get_formatter_by_name("16m") indent = max(int(indent or 0), 0) if isinstance(message, Path): message = str(message) elif isinstance(message, bytes): message = message.decode("utf-8") single = False if isinstance(message, str): single = len(message) - len(message.rstrip("\n")) == 0 if isinstance(message, Exception): lexer = lexer or "py3tb" if isinstance(lexer, str): lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lexer) if not lexer and isinstance(message, str): lexer = guess_lexer(message, stripall=True) if lexer is None else lexer if lexer and isinstance(message, str): messages = message.split("\n") for index, message in enumerate(messages): message = pygments.highlight(message, lexer, formatter) messages[index] = message.rstrip("\n") message = "\n".join(messages) if indent > 0: message = textwrap.indent(message, " " * indent) return message.rstrip("\n") if single and isinstance(message, str) else message
[docs]def format( *messages: Any, lexer: Optional[Union[Lexer, str]] = None, color: bool = None, json: bool = None, time_format: Optional[str] = None, add_timestamp: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> str: """Creates *message*, but does not echo it to a stdout, log, or other lexers can be passed in, and if they are, the resulting output will attempt to be setup Args: messages: messages to echo color: colorize output lexer: message lexical analyzer json: Dump out a structured text time_format: control time format add_timestamp: add a timestamp to the output Returns: Tuple[str]: beautified messages """ time_format = time_format if time_format is not None else _terminal_config.time_format add_timestamp = add_timestamp if add_timestamp is not None else _terminal_config.timestamp json = json if json is not None else _terminal_config.json color = color if color is not None else _terminal_config.color # Allows echo to be used in settings and prevents circular dependencies string = "" for index, message in enumerate(messages): include_timestamp = False if add_timestamp is True: include_timestamp = True if add_timestamp is None: if index == 0: include_timestamp = True elif json is True: include_timestamp = True msg = Message( data=message, lexer=str(lexer) if lexer else "", json=bool(json), color=bool(color), time_format=time_format, include_timestamp=include_timestamp, ) separator = ("\n" if json else " ") if string else "" try: string = f"{string}{separator}{msg}" except TypeError: msg.fields = {} string = f"{string}{separator}{msg}" return string